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Dear children.
Physical exercise is very important to be healthy. This month's cover story talks about the importance of yoga. Learn the yoga poses that you can do with the help of your parents! Learn the need to wash your hands in the Health column and the safety roles in the playground in Safety. Get to know more about amazing animals, the Porcupine and the Betta fish. Walk into the world of Peppa pig in the Best Buddy section. Make a tasty sandwich by turning to the Kitchen Corner. You could do so much more with the pages full of Interesting stories, art and craft activities and fun exercises. Happy Reading!!! BEL amKV Chief Editor Chid Editor Kakanl Veera Brahmam Content Writer Shashi eruntian, Art & Design Rim Ahmed Mist Printed. Published 6 Owned by Kakani Veer a Brahmam Printed at Sphoorthi Printers Pvt Ltd 11.5.439. Red Hills. Lakdikapul Hyderabad •00 004. Mangan., Published at 84491/565/K. Venal Rao Nagar SR Nagar Post. Hyderabad-38 Telangana. India Contact No. : 7207015151. 040 • 42622024 info@brainfeedmagazinexom www.brainfeedmagazinexcen RNI No 7ELENG/2017/74441 4-5 COVER STORY International Yoga Day 6-7 BEST BUDDY Peppa Pig 8-9 AMAZING ANIMAL Porcupine 16-21 POSTER The Bella Fish 24 ART Colouring lun6r June 2018 ill Li 12 STORY The Lucky Crow 33 CRAFT Smiling Sun LEARN THROUGH FUN Fruity Fun 25 My Eyes Stronger 26 Rhyme and Reason 27 Word Wall 28 Learn with Fun 29 Hide and Seek 30 Find Me 31 Stranger in a Group 34 Identify 35 YOGA FOR KOS ht4rj/v.w.v. brakes:edifices:oh/ ylikohawtIrN Or o PEPPA PIG NW/Awn% braketegunkreom/ videofund13-02 mr.;o 41: PORCUPINE htlpVIwww. braltan4unieccone yideenhoalls03 Oi o GERalfIGHTER MOVIvevew. vhkedun411104 brakedellunleecomiti